Energy Efficiency Made Easy: How Home Automation Can Save on Energy Bills

In an age where sustainability and environmental consciousness are at the forefront of our concerns, finding ways to reduce energy consumption and minimise our ecological footprint has become a priority. One of the most effective and convenient methods to achieve energy efficiency at home is through home automation. This revolutionary technology empowers homeowners to take control of their energy consumption, optimise their energy usage, and ultimately save on energy bills.

In this comprehensive blog, we will explore the various aspects of home automation, delve into its benefits, and guide you through the process of transforming your home into an energy-efficient haven.

Understanding Home Automation

Home automation, often referred to as a "smart home" system, is a network of interconnected devices and appliances that communicate with each other to perform tasks automatically, remotely, or according to predefined schedules. These devices are equipped with sensors, processors, and communication modules that allow them to interact with the central control hub and, in many cases, with the homeowner's smartphone or tablet.

Smart Thermostats: Optimising Climate Control

One of the most impactful components of home automation is the integration of smart thermostats. Traditional thermostats allow limited control over heating and cooling, often leading to energy wastage.

Smart thermostats, on the other hand, use advanced algorithms and occupancy sensors to regulate indoor temperatures based on occupancy patterns and external weather conditions. By adjusting the temperature when you're away or asleep, these devices can significantly reduce energy consumption and contribute to substantial energy bill savings.

Automated Lighting Systems: Illuminating Responsibly

Lighting accounts for a considerable portion of a household's energy usage. Home automation allows for the installation of automated lighting systems that can turn lights on and off automatically based on occupancy, time of day, or natural light levels.

Additionally, integrating smart bulbs and dimmers can help optimise energy usage by allowing you to control the brightness and colour of your lights, minimising unnecessary power consumption.

Energy-Efficient Appliances: A Smarter Home

Replacing old, energy-hungry appliances with modern, energy-efficient ones is another essential aspect of home automation. Many appliances, such as refrigerators, washing machines, and dishwashers, now come with smart features and Energy Star certifications, ensuring they consume less electricity while maintaining optimal performance. Home automation can further enhance their efficiency by programming them to operate during off-peak hours when electricity rates are lower.

Smart Power Strips: Preventing Phantom Loads

Phantom loads, also known as vampire loads, occur when electronic devices draw power even when turned off or in standby mode. Smart power strips can automatically cut off power to peripheral devices when the main device is turned off or after a specified period of inactivity. By eliminating these phantom loads, you can save a considerable amount of electricity over time.

Energy Monitoring: Awareness is Key

Home automation systems often include energy monitoring capabilities, providing real-time data on your energy consumption. This information allows you to identify high-energy consuming devices, understand usage patterns, and make informed decisions to reduce wasteful practices. Increased awareness of your energy consumption empowers you to take necessary measures to optimise energy efficiency continually.

Benefits of Home Automation for Energy Efficiency

Cost Savings: Reducing energy consumption directly translates to lower energy bills. Over time, the cost savings can be significant, making home automation a worthwhile investment.

Environmental Impact: By reducing energy consumption, you are also contributing to a more sustainable and greener future by lowering your carbon footprint.

Convenience: Home automation simplifies daily tasks, from adjusting temperature settings remotely to controlling lighting from your smartphone, providing unparalleled convenience and comfort.

Increased Home Value: An energy-efficient home equipped with home automation features is likely to have a higher resale value, appealing to environmentally conscious buyers.

Long-term Savings: Although the initial investment in home automation technology might seem substantial, the long-term savings on energy bills can outweigh the costs, making it a cost-effective choice in the long run.

Implementing Home Automation for Energy Efficiency

Conduct an Energy Audit:

Begin by assessing your home's energy usage patterns and identifying areas where improvements can be made. An energy audit can help pinpoint energy wastage and guide your home automation decisions.

Choose the Right Devices:

Research and select home automation devices that suit your needs and preferences. Look for reputable brands with energy-saving features and positive user reviews.

Plan for Integration:

Ensure that the different components of your home automation system can seamlessly communicate with one another. Compatibility is crucial to achieving a well-functioning smart home.

Install and Configure:

If you have the technical expertise, you can install and set up your home automation devices yourself. Otherwise, consider hiring a professional to ensure everything is correctly integrated and optimised.

Monitor and Adjust:

Regularly monitor your energy consumption through your home automation system and make adjustments as needed. Stay informed about updates and new features that could enhance your home's energy efficiency.

Popular Home Automation Devices & Their Screen Protectors

Home automation has become increasingly popular in modern households, and there is a wide range of devices used to make our homes smarter and more efficient. Let's explore some of the most popular home automation devices and the best-suited screen protectors for each of them:

Smartphones and Tablets

Smartphones and tablets serve as the central control hubs for many home automation systems. They allow users to monitor and control various devices remotely through dedicated apps. For these devices, it's essential to choose screen protectors that provide both protection and clarity, as they are frequently used for interactions with the smart home setup.

Best-suited screen protector: Tempered glass screen protectors offer excellent protection against scratches and impact while maintaining touchscreen sensitivity and clarity. Look for brands with anti-fingerprint and anti-glare features to enhance the user experience.

Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats, like the Nest Thermostat or ecobee, regulate your home's temperature intelligently, saving energy and providing comfort. Although these devices may not have screens as large as smartphones, they still benefit from having an added layer of protection.

Best-suited screen protector: For smart thermostats, consider using a thin and clear PET film screen protector. These screen protectors offer basic protection against scratches and dust while being unobtrusive and easy to apply.

Smart Displays

Smart displays, such as the Amazon Echo Show and Google Nest Hub, are equipped with touchscreens and provide visual information along with voice responses. These displays are often used to control other smart home devices and access multimedia content.

Best-suited screen protector: Tempered glass screen protectors are ideal for smart displays, as they offer excellent protection against accidental bumps, scratches, and cracks. Look for those with high transparency and anti-smudge properties to maintain the display's clarity and touchscreen responsiveness.

Smart Speakers

Smart speakers, like Amazon Echo and Google Home, provide voice-controlled access to virtual assistants and connect to other smart devices throughout your home.

Best-suited screen protector: While smart speakers do not have screens, they might have fabric or plastic-covered exteriors that can benefit from fabric protectors or simple dust-resistant covers to keep them clean and well-maintained.

Smart Cameras

Smart security cameras, like the Ring Video Doorbell and Arlo Pro, allow you to monitor your home remotely and receive alerts for any suspicious activities.

Best-suited screen protector: Since smart cameras are typically designed for outdoor use, consider using weather-resistant screen protectors. Look for options that offer impact protection, UV resistance, and anti-glare properties for optimal performance.

Smart Locks

Smart locks, such as August Smart Lock and Schlage Connect, offer convenient keyless entry and remote locking capabilities.

Best-suited screen protector: Smart locks don't usually have screens, but you may want to consider using protective covers made from durable materials like silicone or polycarbonate to shield them from external elements and potential tampering.


Home automation devices come in various forms, each serving a specific purpose to make our lives more comfortable and efficient. When choosing screen protectors for these devices, prioritise protection, clarity, and touchscreen responsiveness. For smartphones and tablets, opt for tempered glass protectors, while thin PET film protectors can suffice for smaller screens like smart thermostats.

For smart displays and cameras, invest in durable tempered glass options with additional features like anti-fingerprint and anti-glare. For devices without screens, such as smart speakers and smart locks, consider protective covers made from suitable materials to keep them clean and protected.

By properly safeguarding your home automation devices, you can ensure they function optimally and serve you well in the long run. So, what’re you waiting for? Order high quality and durable screen protectors from Screenshield New Zealand, today!
Home automation